What makes First United Methodist Preschool & Childcare

A Message From Our Director
Welcome to First United Methodist Preschool and Childcare (affectionately known as FUMP), a ministry of First United Methodist Church of Alexandria. Thank you for deciding to explore our preschool program as a part of your search for the right school and care for your young child. I know such a search can be a daunting process, particularly in a community where there are a variety of excellent choices for an early childhood education. Our facility is not only a child-care center and preschool that offers quality care and education to children, it is a community. I am proud to be a part of a school where children, parents, and staff are cherished.
Parents and teachers work together at FUMP to foster growth and development in children. We partner with parents and local businesses through special events, community service, volunteer opportunities, and everyday communication.
Our preschool teachers work to make sure your child is actively learning throughout the day. We plan daily lessons to encourage and challenge your preschooler to learn all that they can about the world around them. Our academics focus on language arts, math, writing, art, science, social skills. Basic Christian attitudes of love, understanding, tolerance, and gratitude are emphasized daily.
We maintain an open-door policy, a feature of our belief system that communication between home and school facilitates a child’s growth and development and promotes his or her adjustment to the school experience.
I encourage you to stop by the preschool office to set up a tour of our classrooms if you are interested in learning more about us. You are welcome to call (318) 443-2858 or email me at clytle@fumca.org if you have any questions. We offer a variety of preschool schedules to meet the needs of our families.
Catherine Lytle
Our History
First United Methodist Preschool (FUMP) began as a weekly kindergarten class in a separate building from First United Methodist Church. The church was originally built in 1910 at the corner of Jackson and Foisy Street downtown Alexandria. By 1927, a Religious Education Building was erected and Sunday school classes for nursery- age to adult were taught in the three story, Tudor Gothic building.
Our Philosophy
In a safe, loving, and Christian environment, we work to develop caring, respectful, and responsive relationships with the children in our care. The staff supports each child's disposition to learn while (1) facilitating their learning and (2) fostering competencies in intellectual, physical, social, and emotional domains with the help and support of families, parents, and First United Methodist Church of Alexandria.