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6 weeks to 5 yrs old

There are FULL-TIME and PART-TIME options available for Summer Care. All Summer Care Sessions follow the same curriculum used in the regular school year programs. Our goal is to have students better prepared for their next academic year.

If your child is enrolled in our infant, Crawler, or Toddler programs, they must be enrolled year-round.


(Summer Fun) Weekly, 7:30 AM – 5:30PM 2-4 year olds may be enrolled in full time Summer Care. Full time Summer Care runs Monday – Friday, 7:30AM – 5:30PM.



(Summer Fun Half) 2, 3, Or 5 Days/ Week 2- 4 year olds may be enrolled in part-time Summer Care on Tuesday/Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, Or Monday- Friday, 9:00AM – 3:00PM.


May 31 - June 24:    Session 1 - 4 Weeks

July 5 - July 29:        Session 2 - 4 Weeks

Aug 1 - Aug 26:       Session 3 - 4 Weeks


CLOSED:  Teacher In-service June 27-July 1


At the time of registration, you can select Summer Care for the entire summer (June, July, and August) or just part of the summer with Session 1, 2 or 3. We cannot hold spots for the summer months since the program is popular and vacancies are limited. Tuition cannot be refunded for vacations.  August will NOT be prorated. 



Summer Fun spots are in high demand!  We will ALWAYS offer our Summer spots to our families enrolled in the following school year first, then we will extend the offer to Alumni who GRADUATED from our PreK 4 program next and FUMCA alumni members.  If space, then allows,  we will take Alumni first come first served.  New Preschool families enrolling for the school year, will be offered a Summer Fun spot option, to secure their enrollment in our Preschool Program.


With an outdoor pool located on campus, Summer Fun at FUMP is proud to offer swim lessons to children ages 3yrs - 6yrs. With certified instructors, children will focus on becoming acclimated to the water and will learn basic water safety and skills. Parents are welcome to come and view their child during their designated lesson time from a private viewing room. Participants must be enrolled in FUMP's Summer Fun program.


Offered five days a week. At least three performances are given  throughout the school year. Gross motor skills as well as team concepts are  necessary in the execution of this activity. 


First United Methodist incorporates a "whole-language"  approach as our French classes reflect what is currently being taught in our  curriculum. Students are introduced to words and songs in French in an effort to  gain confidence and familiarity with a second language. 


Occurs every Tuesday. All preschool classes meet in the  sanctuary and listen to the First United  Methodist Pastor speak about a Christian value that can  assist in the character development of young children. 


Taught every Wednesday to each class. Godly Play is a  method for teaching children how Bible stories connect with your child's experiences and relationship with goodness. Godly Play respects the innate  spirituality of children and encourages curiosity and imagination in experiencing  the mystery and joy of faith. 

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